Tears of joy are flowing right now because of what God does for us just at the right moment with such simple things that mean so much. We lost a very special person in our lives not long ago and the ache in our hearts is still there. But for my teenage granddaughter, the pain is sometimes more that she wants to experience. That is exactly when God shows up to ease her pain. He places smiley faces in the clouds to reminder her that He loves her. He gives her a song that is not only right on time but right in tune with what she needs to hear. He placed not the loved one but his name in the front cover of her American History book which she will carry every day for the rest of the school year. How awesome is our God!!!!
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer and watching over my special little girl. Thank you being real to her in her time of need when confusion and heartache are so great. Thank you for holding her heart in Your loving hands. Thank you for being the Father of compassion. Thank you for being there every minute of her life. Thank you Lord for everything.
Wow! Our God is an Awesome God! Let us praise Him for His unfailing love and His wondrous deeds for men.